Please come check out my new blog at and update your bookmarks!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Inspired: Red (Hong Yi)
Hong Yi, a Malaysian artist who goes by the nickname "Red", describes herself as an artist-architect who "likes to paint, but not with a paintbrush." Instead, she uses all sorts of found materials to create imaginative portraits and whimsical scenes. Her work has gained much acclaim recently on the Internet, in part due to her ability to capture well-known figures in creative and evocative mediums. She currently resides in Shanghai and works for an Australian architectural firm. Her most recent project, "31 Days of Creativity with Food," consisted of a daily art piece constructed solely from food on the backdrop of a white plate. These are few of my favorite pieces from her work:
Portrait of Jay Chou, in coffee |
The making of the Jay Chou portrait
Go check out the rest of Red's work on her website (it's totally worth it!)
Plus she runs a great blog!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Inspired: Marisa Redondo
Marisa Redondo creates beautiful organic paintings inspired by the natural beauties of her current surroundings in Northern California. Working with oils and watercolors, she seeks to capture the unique patterns and colors of nature (which she does quite well). I find her choice of colors and the intricacy of detail in her work fascinating. You can find all of Redondo's work in her Etsy store, River Luna. These are a few of my favorites:
Gathering Bundle |
In Bloom |
Tree Ring Feathers |
Stick Collection |
Sunday, March 17, 2013
A [Concerto] for Sunday: Elgar's Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85
[Mom, this post is for you]
I think there comes a point (or many points) in a child's life when one must admit that their parents were right, at least about a few things, or (more likely) about many things. This is one of those moments.
I think there comes a point (or many points) in a child's life when one must admit that their parents were right, at least about a few things, or (more likely) about many things. This is one of those moments.
Growing up, especially in my teenage years, I didn't quite understand my parents' insistence on listening to classical music. As an avid pianist, I had a certain appreciation for a well-written classic. But must we listen to KBAQ every Sunday morning? Must we find a classical radio station on every roadtrip? Do we have to break out the symphonies when cleaning the house? Can't we listen to something else for a change? [accompanied by the perfected thirteen-year-old eye role]
I was sick of playing Chopin's Rondo during piano lessons. I didn't want to listen to any more Bach. The musc was old, the masters were dead: Let them rest in peace.
There is this process, however, of maturation that (quite fortunately!) begins to reshape and remodel tastes of the adolescent brain and (oh, thank God!) remove the voracious appetite for catchy, repetitive, mind-numbing pop music- a process that might lead one to eventually look in the mirror and discover (how did this happen?!) that one quite resembles her mother... [In some regards this might be every girl-child's nightmare, but not all inherited traits are undesirable]
All of this is to say, by the time we decide to have children, I told Nate the other day, I will likely carry on the family tradition of torturing my children with that dreaded classical music. (He's not quite on board with this yet, but just wait- you'll see....). **[note: in my mind this child-having will not happen yet for about ten years, just in case anyone is getting ahead of themselves.] Tucson's classical music station, with its predictable, yet strangely comforting, baritone intonements of the title, composer, and performer of each piece by a seemingly-omnipotent yet unremarkable announcer, now has a home on my radio presets and, though it must play second fiddle to NPR, still manages to beat out that local "mix" station a good chunk of the time [in my "old age" and with this newly discovered phenomenon of commuting, I have no patience for listening to the same four songs on repeat]. We went to the (excellent) concert of the UA Chamber Orchestra, not just because of a friend's membership in said orchestra, but out of an actual longing for some lovely evening entertainment.
And thus, with no further ado, I present to you Elgar's Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85, performed by the talented Jacqueline Du Pre. Enjoy:
(Take that, ya kids with your blasted auto-tuned racket you call music.)
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Weekend Links
A book story by Nina Katchadourian |
Tohono Chul is having their Annual Spring Plant Sale (and this is where I'll be tomorrow- succulents!)
Beautiful Bay Lights in San Francisco
I'm thinking of trying this recipe out for breakfast tomorrow
Make your own lovely earrings
Love this warehouse-turned-apartment
A handy guide to pairing food and wine
A fantastic South Philly abode
This map is awesome
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Inspired: Maja Lindberg
I have to admit, the hedgehog illustration is the primary reason I found this artist (Hedgehogs are my catnip). Anyways, back on track: Maja Lindberg is a designer/illustrator from Sweden who draws ethereal portraits of animals and fairytales and other such things. I find her use of light most striking in her illustrations- an effect that gives a depth to her dreamlike figures. These are a few of my favorites from her pieces. (You can check out all of her work for sale in her Etsy shop here.)
Evening Swim |
Ocean Deep |
The Hedgehog |
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
The kind of post inspired by too many hours of air travel
The sun fell below the horizon long ago but still
along the mountains hangs a choking orange glow that
burns the sky with bands of blue remnants of day
last lingering on unwilling to succumb before the
sweeping creeping darkness
engines hum a steady cacophony drowning the simplest
thought smothering sense dulling mind to even
most jolting terror as she looks across
clouds to see light has gone diving into impending
blackness and fireflies dancing below
(Afterglow, author unknown)
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Songs for Sunday: Lady Lamb the Beekeeper
I have to thank NPR for this one. After hearing a charming interview on All Things Considered with Aly Spaltro, known on stage as Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, on the drive home, I just had to go find a bit more of her music. This girl has an incredible voice, and her brand new album Ripley Pine is fantastic. I highly recommend getting yourself a copy. If these videos aren't enough to convince you, check out her live session with The Wild Honey Pie (and download a free copy of her performance).
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Best Reads of the Week
Photo by Joe Raedle, Getty Images Members of a Haitian Ministry of Health body-collection team unload 14 bodies of cholera victims |
Death by Treacle: Are we overexposed to emotion?
A housing development experiment in Mumbai: What happens when the rich and the poor live next door to each other?
Who exactly are we fighting? Al Qaeda and the "War on Terror" in 2013
Negligence in Haiti: The United Nations and Cholera
What makes a charity? What sorts of organizations deserve tax exempt status?
The legacy of C. Everett Koop: Examining the impact of our most outspoken surgeon general
Sudden Death: When death comes for the unprepared
Domestic Witness: A photo essay unmasking domestic violence
What makes a charity? What sorts of organizations deserve tax exempt status?
The legacy of C. Everett Koop: Examining the impact of our most outspoken surgeon general
Sudden Death: When death comes for the unprepared
Domestic Witness: A photo essay unmasking domestic violence
Inspired: World Press Photo Awards
The results of the World Press Photo Awards were released a few weeks ago, and the winners are stunning. Out of 103,481 photographs from 5,666 photographers, a few winning photos were chosen by an international jury in a number of categories ranging from sports to news to daily life. These were a few of the photos I found most striking, but all of them are so incredible. Head over to the World Press website to check out the rest of the winning images for 2013.
Gaza Burial, Paul Hensen, 20 Nov 2013 Gaza City, Palestinian Territories World Press Photo of the Year, 1st Prize, Spot News Singles |
Joy at the End of the Run, Wei Seng Chen, 12 Feb 2012 Batu Sangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia 1st Prize, Sports Action Single |
Emperor Penguins, Paul Nicklen, 18 Nov 2011 Rose Sea, Antarctica 1st Prize, Nature Stories |
Cross Country Steeplechase, Roman Vondrous, 15 Sep 2012 Pardubice, Czech Republic 1st Prize, Sports Action Stories |
At the Dandora Dump, Micah Albert, 03 April 2012 Nairobi, Kenya 1st Prize, Contemporary Issues Singles |
Want to know how they picked the winners? Check out these interviews with the jury members.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Songs for Sunday: The Roots and Sufjan Stevens
Thursday, February 21, 2013
On Confronting a Mental Disorder
Burn #210 by David Nadel |
But the circumstances change, the deadlines of change come and go, those influencing agents mysteriously fade away, and the gaping wound remains, unhealed, unchanged. More explanations can be sought, perhaps even convincingly found, but the facade begins to slip, paint peeling, frame sagging. Those willing to look will see the straining timbers beneath the plaster and cheerful signs. Much longer and down it falls.
The honesty begins with oneself, for the excuses, though to them told, are not so much made for the others. Acceptance of these flaws is often feigned but rarely carried to full term. It's the schedule or the assignment, the sheer number of demands or the short time in which they must be done- it must be. A change of scenery would cure it, but since there is so much to be done here now we must grit our teeth and suffer through. It's easier to believe this than to grapple with the fundamental shift required to cope with a permanent impediment.
Mental disorder is a term quite apt for application to anxiety and panic. One's thoughts are constantly asunder-- leaping from thought to thought and task to task propelled with an impending sense of doom. The inability to stop the mind leads to flurries of business, the harnessing of thoughts for productive activity or their preoccupation with stories and news of the day, for at the moment they are left to their own devices comes the overwhelming wave of dread, the paralyzing sense of failure, the seemingly prescient clarity that nothing will end well. These thoughts, if captured, are easily dismissed as irrational, but the feelings are not, nor the physiological response they provoke. The clenched jaw, the racing heart, the perspiring palms and quickening breath, the trembling frame, weighted chest, sudden faintness all spell fear, choking, inescapable fear. At the surface these fears bear names: the deadline-missing-fear, the offending-fear, the being-mistaken-fear. But at their heart something unnameable lies, no matter how often one tries to conjure it into words in the middle of the night. And after the weddings and paper deadlines, the moves and illnesses, the self-imposed deadlines, the thing remains, evidencing its persistence and forcing a new reckoning with the frustration and shame of admission that one cannot control one's own mind and hasn't the slightest idea how to change that.
The last few weeks have been full of projects, opportunities, exciting news, nasty flu, tasks checked off and more tasks to do, and they have brought with them the difficult realization that I have once again underestimated my anxiety disorder. My deadlines have passed, and the terror remains, whether the week is busy or calm, whether the deadlines are short or long, whether the project is going poorly or splendidly. It feels like a continual drowning: treading water on the good days, flailing and gasping on others, whittling away at the last shreds of patience, stealing any sense of hope or calm, wearing on the ability to function reasonably, trapping me in my own thoughts, unable to claw my way out of a perpetual state of semi-isolation. The feeling of having little to know control over one's thoughts leads to perpetual frustration and exhaustion. And at this point it is difficult to know how to cope with this unwanted companion. I know the practical steps: the breathing, the centering, the reframing; but such small tools seem vastly inadequate in the shadow of the monolith that towers above me, like spoons in a sinking ocean-liner. Still something else whispers that this is all in my head while another suggests that I am not trying hard enough. Another points out that hearing voices, metaphorical or not, is evidence enough for a lack of sanity. I wonder sometimes if turning toward pharmaceutical solutions would be a wise choice or a cop-out. The winning feeling seems to be paralysis.
Yet even with the realization of these last few weeks come comforts, most of all that even in this we have begun a marriage. In all honesty, it probably took a marriage to provoke the final blunt admission that things are wrong and cannot easily be righted. And though my anxieties wear on him-- the volatility, the crises, the moments of despair-- he says that he knew what he was getting into and that this does not change his love. Together we'll struggle through and find something that helps. It's by no means easy, but it is incredibly reassuring to not be alone.
Part of the practical reality of the moment means that I'm not sure how much I'll be writing at the moment. I'm beginning to learn that I need to give myself grace, and, with a house still half in boxes and a number of key school projects and important interviews coming up, I'm finding it necessary to carefully conserve my time and energy. I'm not sure how long this process of managing this anxiety will take or what it will look like, but I know it needs to happen now. And so I start and hope for the best.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Short Film: 3x3
I love this wonderful little short film about an intrepid night janitor from Portuguese director Nona Rocha:
Grande prémio ZON (portugal) | Cinema Jove Festival Internacional de Cine, Spain | Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca, Espanha, Spain | Warsaw Film Festival, Polónia | Festival Internacional de Cinema do Algarve, Portugal | Odense International Film Festival, Dinamarca
Curtas Vila do Conde Festival Internacional de Cinema | Festival du Court Métrage de Bruxelles, Bélgica | Circuito Off Venice International Short Film Festival, Italy | Sapporo International Short Film Festival, Japan
Naoussa International Film Festival, Greece: 3rd Best Short Film, People's Choice Award
Festival Internacional de Cinema de Humor, Portugal: Menção Honrosa Curta Metragem de Ficção
Festival Iberico de Badajoz: Young audience award
Faial Filmes Fest Festival de Curtas das Ilhas, Portugal: Prémio RTP2 - Onda Curta
Golden Butterfly Prize for Best Direction at the 24th International Festival of Films for Children & Young Adults
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
A Late Song: Freelance Whales
This is a bit past Sunday...and Monday too for that matter. My excuse: Deadlines have been looming and I've been buried in an avalanche of Russian essays (in Russian), GIS visualization (map-making in layman's terms), and trying to help put together a lecture that will convince a bunch of eighteen-year-olds that there is much more to studying applied political economy in Europe than study abroad excursions to Spain.
I'll be back tomorrow to write some and share some wonderful finds I've made in the past few days, but in the meantime I want to share this song from a great little band that my sister introduced me to, the Freelance Whales. Their closest relation in sound is probably Arcade Fire, another love of mine, with their astral sound and choice of instruments. Here's their song "Aeolus," performed live:
Freelance Whales performing Aeolus from their new album Diluvia, available now.
Get it on iTunes here:
Find out more here:
Friday, February 1, 2013
Happy Friday!
Tonari no Totaro by Victor Vercesi |
Love this Valentine's Day card
Maybe I'll make a Big Pancake for breakfast?
This Totoro print is gorgeous
A pretty vintage clock
Make your own Masala tea
Lots and lots of business cards
Visualizing a designer's worst nightmare
How awesome is this chromatic typewriter?
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Best Reads of the Week
Oh look! A new feature!
For those of you who don't know me well, to say I read quite a bit might be a bit of an understatement. Part of this voracious reading appetite comes from my area of study- when one studies international relations and civil conflict, one needs to stay up on what's happening in the world. The other part is most likely predisposed. When I was a kid, my mother discovered that the best motivation to get me to do my chores was to confiscate my books until they were done. (Seriously, I was the kid who didn't clean my room because I was too buried in a book. Grounding or banishment to my room wasn't an effective consequence in the least.) Anyways, I'll be posting a short list of my favorite articles and books that I've read each week on various topics. I'm sure my favorite news sources will become pretty obvious over time (Al Jazeera, The Economist, Slate, The New Yorker...), but I'll try to have a nice selection of well-written and interesting articles for you every week.
Without further ado, here are some of my favorite finds this week:
Two wonderful articles on Jane Austen and her legacy: Piece 1, Piece 2,
Google's attempt to map North Korea
Nonviolence for White People
Google's attempt to map North Korea
Nonviolence for White People
Short Film: Dark Side of the Lens
At the heart of "Dark Side of the Lens" is one man's struggle to capture the power and beauty of the ocean. After seeing some fairly big waves in person, I can't imagine going out there in that surf and trying to film it or photograph it. It must take some combination of adventurousness and insanity. But it seems he's doing what he loves:
Winner - Best Cinematography, Rhode Island International Film Festival, 2011 | Action Sports Category, Vimeo Awards 2012 | G-Raid Driven Creativity award - Professional Category | Best Cinematography, 5Point Film Festival 2011 | Grand Prize - Chamonix Film Festival 2011 | Best short - New York Surf Film Festival 2011 | Digital short of the Year, Surfer Poll | Relentless Short Stories 2011 | Amstel Surf Film Festibal, Peoples Choice award | Best short, Sheffield Adventure Film Festival | Best International Short, Canadian Surf Film Festival | Best Short, Waimea Ocean Film Festival
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wedding Sneak Peek
The end of a wedding seemingly opens the floodgates for a torrent of wedding photo requests, one that I cannot quite satisfy since we still don't have all the official photos. However, we do have a few "sneak peek" photos generously provided by our lovely photographer as well as some wonderful shots from family and friends. Perhaps they can buy us another few weeks?
Photos by Thea-Grace Okimoto (our lovely photographer), Uncle Calvin, Uncle Jack
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Inspired: Jennifer Booher
Beachcombing No. 63, available on Etsy |
Beachcombing No. 52 |
Aluminum, Seaweed, Driftwood, Periwinkle |
Beachcombing No. 55 |
All photographs belong to Jennifer Booher and can be purchased in her Etsy shop
Monday, January 28, 2013
On a Reception and Such
PS: All of these photos were taken by our wonderful, talented friend Blake and his fantastic camera
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My mom made all our desserts from scratch! (And they were DELICIOUS) |
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We used Carte Blanche Catering and the food was awesome! |
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My best friend Hannah and I |
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Short Film: Mine Kafon
Landmines are a huge problem around the world. Nearly invisible, buried in fields or along roads, landmine can kill for years after a conflict, rendering land unsuitable for farming or for habitation, and killing 15,000 to 20,000 people per year. The mines can be difficult, dangerous, and expensive to remove, making demining difficult in developing countries. However, Afghan designer Massoud Hassani has engineered a low cost, effective solution for demining in regions of Afghanistan. Check it out:
MINE KAFON is a 5th place Winner in the $200,000 GE/FOCUS FORWARD Filmmaker Competition. Watch the winners at
DIRECTOR: Callum Cooper
DOP: Michael Latham
CAMERA: Michael Latham, Mahmud Hassani, Callum Cooper
EDITOR: Anna Meller
COLOR GRADER: Chris Teeder
PRODUCERS:Alicia Brown, Michael Latham, Callum Cooper
THANKS: Lucie Kalmar, Slowmo High Speed, Optimism Films
The RNLA explosive ordnance disposal service
Copyright Ardent Film Trust 2012
Find out more about this project on Hassani's website: You can also read more about the project on their (fully-funded) Kickstarter page.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
North Shore
We made the drive out to Oahu's North Shore on a wet, stormy day when the clouds hung low across the mountains. The grey mist shrouded all but the road and a few glimpses of pineapples, coffee, and corn stretched out across the flat plains. As we hit the coast, the rain finally let up enough to promise a clear view of the surging surf that had closed the beaches for the last few days.
From Waimea to Pipeline to Laie Point, the sea pounded the shore under a blanket of grey skies. We wandered the shores, disregarding the wind in favor of a chance to try to capture that moment of breaking.
Laie Point provided the most haunting views, at the edge of the land, a glimpse north into nothing, knowing that from here only the Aleutian islands dared to rise above the sea.
After the shutters stopped, the wind carried on relentlessly, bringing with it another misting of rain. We stood bundled in our coats, content to watch the waves and wonder.
All photos by Kara Haberstock, all rights reserved
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
To Make: Terrarium
DIY Terrarium via Project Wedding |
As the artsy-crafty type, there's usually a list of at least three projects in the back of my mind that I'd like to complete if only I could manage to find the time. And since I'm finally taking a lighter semester (no writing-intensive classes for the first time since I started college!), I actually have the time to check some projects off the list. And thus here, in order of scheduled time of completion, are my projects for this spring (so far):
1. Finish the vases for the Tucson reception (expect a post next week)
2. Give the beloved bubble chandelier a facelift (in blue!)
3. Finish organizing the apartment
4. Learn how to grow mushrooms (I'm debating about trying this kit)
5. Create my own terrarium
For a while now, I've been fascinated by terrariums-- I love the idea of living decor. Plus Tucson is a perfect place to grow succulents. I'll probably find my glassware at one of my favorite thrift shops around here, but these lovely terrariums will be my inspiration:
Pyramid Terrarium, Jechory Glass Designs |
Air plant terrarium, Sea and Asters |
Universe terrarium, ABJ Glassworks |
Suspended Tetra, Score and Solder |
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Glass terrariums, West Elm |
Monday, January 21, 2013
There's nothing quite like significant life milestones or periods of extreme stress to shake out all sorts of things you never knew about yourself, or at least all those things you suspected but never wanted to admit to. Being the over-achiever that I am, I decided to roll at least of three of these events into a period of a few short months, and the result has been an avalanche of uninvited self-discovery. (A note to anyone tempted to try writing a thesis, getting married, moving apartments, and graduating all around the same time: It will unleash insanity. Be forewarned.)
This sort of particularity is actually normal, okay, and even good. Everyone has their own personal quirks that create unique little particularities that make clutter on the coffee table odious or form a tolerance for squash only when it's baked with butter and maple syrup. In fact, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that most of those happy-go-lucky, laid-back types out there are probably closet people-pleasers like myself. It's not that we don't have particularities, we'd just rather hide them than risk offending others. Of course, such facades can only last so long, and they can crumble in quite ugly ways. Rather, it is best to put away the pretenses and expose one's idiosyncrasies with grace. Some will have to be put away for the time- the dishes may always find their way to the countertop, but better than the kitchen table; the toothpaste tube may always be slightly squished around its waist, but such things will not matter for more than a few moments. Other particularities can be accommodated with ease-- so be it.
Probably the most uninvited of these discoveries: I am a very particular person.
I think I've suspected this, but I like to masquerade as the happy-go-lucky, go-with-the-flow, laid-back type. Do whatever you want-- I don't care... Oh, that can go anywhere. Routines? Oh, I don't have those. There's nothing like combining your life with another person's to quickly shatter that illusion.
It drives me nuts when people squeeze from the middle of the toothpaste tube instead of the end of it. I really do want the furniture to match. I need at least one hour a day, preferably in the morning, to sit quietly, read, or do something by myself without interruption to preserve my sanity. Dirty dishes need to be in the sink, in the dishwasher, or washed immediately (none of this countertop-lolly-gagging).
This sort of particularity is actually normal, okay, and even good. Everyone has their own personal quirks that create unique little particularities that make clutter on the coffee table odious or form a tolerance for squash only when it's baked with butter and maple syrup. In fact, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that most of those happy-go-lucky, laid-back types out there are probably closet people-pleasers like myself. It's not that we don't have particularities, we'd just rather hide them than risk offending others. Of course, such facades can only last so long, and they can crumble in quite ugly ways. Rather, it is best to put away the pretenses and expose one's idiosyncrasies with grace. Some will have to be put away for the time- the dishes may always find their way to the countertop, but better than the kitchen table; the toothpaste tube may always be slightly squished around its waist, but such things will not matter for more than a few moments. Other particularities can be accommodated with ease-- so be it.
Most of all, I've learned that one must release that false hope that everything will one day be "just so." Right now the house is filled with boxes-- hopefully in a week it will no longer be, but it may never be completely spotless. Lived-in houses rarely are for more than a day or so. Best instead to focus on pursuing the reasonable: a comfortable, inviting place to host friends and family or to simply enjoy now being two together from formerly-autonomous ones. With that I think I can be content.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A Song for Sunday: Of Monsters and Men
We have successfully moved, and now we just have the daunting task of unpacking all the boxes... Listening to Of Monsters and Men makes the task a little bit better:
Of Monsters And Men perform "King And Lionheart" Live @ Billboard's Tastemakers Session
Of Monsters And Men perform "King And Lionheart" Live @ Billboard's Tastemakers Session
Friday, January 18, 2013
Happy Friday!
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Custom Tea Blends, photo by Briar Winters |
Making your own custom tea blends
These bowls are stunning
Love this loft
This comic made me laugh
I can't wait to make this salad next week
My new favorite t-shirt (It's so soft and comfy. I'm convinced it might be the best t-shirt ever.)
A fantastic article about chores, gender roles, and... zombies
Have a wonderful weekend!
PS- If you're in Tucson on Saturday and want to help us move....we will be eternally grateful!!
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