Thursday, January 17, 2013

Short Film: Neighborhoods

The process of moving has sparked many thoughts about travel and home for me in the last few weeks. I've moved out of my college apartment (home for the last three years), travelled to my childhood home (just before Christmas), to Nate's childhood home (for the wedding), to a whole new place (Kauai), back to Nate's apartment (a temporary home), and finally, hopefully, on Friday we'll be moving into our new apartment, our first home together. All of this travelling has provided all sorts of contrasts in the last few weeks. And such contrasts are precisely why I love this little double-projection film, "Neighborhoods":

Two contrary places that are connected by stylistic features. It is about the metropolis New York City (USA)
and the provincial Dessau (GER). Based on the topic "neighborhood", the films about the both cities are shown in a double projection. This short film was created in the framework of the cooperation between the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences,
Department of Design Dessau, and the NYU.
Supervised by Prof. Rochus Hartmann (Dessau)
Supported by Prof. Angela Zumpe (Dessau) and Prof. Mechthild Schmidt (NYC)
Idea/realization: Saskia Kretzschmann & Vera Danilina
Music: Johnny Ripper "In A Dream"

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